The typical Navy Admiral will have 30 years of service. That would entitle him to 75% of his base pay in retirement. That would be somewhere anywhere from $7500 to $12000 a month.
For a full Navy Seal pay chart visit -
Pay is determined by rank, time in grade, and other factors.
it depends on your rank and your time in serving them
All Navy personnel are paid based on their rank and their time in service. The standard military pay chart applies. There are instances where they will get hazard pay, for instance, staying parachute qualified.
How much money I need to pay for use the gastroscopy for my sick stomach?
Nothing. The British pay for the Royal Family.
It costs at least $30-$40
Depends on their rank, and length of service. The pay is the same as any other member of the Navy performing hazardous duty.
Your pay in the Navy or any other Military branch is based on rank. Gender will not matter. PFC - Army National Guard
Depending on his or her time in service a Navy Lieutenant (O3) makes anywhere from $3,540 to $5,760 per month in base pay.