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It would cost a fortune cause they eat a lot of meat.

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14y ago
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2mo ago

Tigers are wild animals and it is illegal and unethical to rent them or keep them as pets. Tigers are endangered species and should be protected in their natural habitat. It is important to support conservation efforts and protect these majestic creatures rather than trying to exploit them for entertainment.

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13y ago

You can trade 5 slaves for one :)

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12y ago


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12y ago

5 haurs

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4y ago

Tigers are wild animals, they need LOTS of room to roam and be tigers. The enclosure needs to be at least 10,000 square feet. (About 1/4 of an acre) If you build the enclosure out of 4X4 cattle panel Fencing at least 12 feet high with a 4 foot overhang at the top, it would cost you about $7,000. That does not include toys or enrichment, so factor in another $500 for mental stimulation. The cost to feed a tiger depends on what subspecies you have. Siberians can weigh up to 900 lbs in captivity, which means it needs to consume at least 27 lbs of meat every day 6 days a week. (One starve day is used to ensure health) Tigers need to eat 2-3 percent of their body weight every day to ensure they stay healthy. If you feed a 300 lb Bengal tiger half beef half chicken with whole prey fed once a week, it would cost you about $12,870 per year. The exact cost of veterinary care is unknown to me as it will vary, but I do know that it will cost you at least $1,000 per year. The total cost adds up to about $21,370. (Not including price of land) Bottom line is, caring for a wild animal is extremely expensive and is best left to mother nature, but if you insist on caring for one of these beautiful animals, you have to be willing to spend every penny to care for it.

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