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$1654 dollars go to a coin trade in place and you will get about that much that is whatt they said when i asked

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13y ago
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11y ago

i have a 1867 1982 dollar confederation constituion coin whats it worth

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8y ago

Every denomination of Canadian coin featured the double date. Without knowing which one is in question, there is no one answer to give.

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11y ago

The 1982 dollar is actually made of pure nickel, as silver was removed from circulating coinage in 1968. It's worth one dollar in Canada.

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Q: How much is an 1867-1982 confederation constitution silver dollar worthimages?
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1867-1982 silver dollar confederation constitution?

What about it?

What is the value of a Confederation Constitution nickel dollar?

Dates are needed, post new question.

How much is the US Constitution 200th Anniversary one dollar silver piece worth?

$49.95 online. It is a "US Constitution dollar".

I have 30 Canadian coins one side has Canada 1982 Dollar on top other side has 1867 Confederation on top Constitution 1982 on the bottom can I take them to a bank to exchange them for US dollars?

Yes, It is a silver dollar and you can exchange other silver dollars to the bank, so you should be able to. Yes, It is a silver dollar and you can exchange other silver dollars to the bank, so you should be able to.

What was the currency under the Articles of Confederation?

Dollar Bills, just like America uses now.

What is the dollar value of US Constitution coins 1987 silver dollar and gold five dollar 2 coin set?


How much is a 1973 US Constitution silver dollar worth?

Please look at the coin again and post new question. The U.S. Mint did not produce a 1973 U.S. Constitution Silver dollar.

How much are United States Constitution coins worth?

The silver dollar Constitution coins are worth about $7.00 apiece. The gold $5 Constitution coins are worth about $100.00 apiece.

Is the 1982 Constitution silver dollar worth anything?

The coin is pure nickel with absolutely no silver, and is still worth one Canadian dollar.

1987 constitution 200th silver dollar?

This coin is worth about $15.00 depending on the buyer.

Demostrate the need for a new constitution in Zimbabwe and outline the steps to be taken to come out with one constitution?

thats the reasn we not voting now and we using the us dollar

How much is an uncirculated 1987 Constitution Silver Dollar worth?

Average retail value is $35.00