There are 16 ounces in a pound.
There are 0.453592 kilograms in 1 pound.
One pound is approximately 0.435 kilograms.
One pound is equal to approximately 0.45 kilograms.
A pound of mercury weighs 1 pound. Mercury is a heavy liquid metal with a density of 13.53 grams per cubic centimeter, which is much denser than water.
About 130g
they could wiegh from 90g to 130g
About 130g-150g depending on the person.
130g is 0.13kg
That is 27.514 teaspoons.
130g = 4.59oz
130g = 4.59oz
130g = 4.6oz (rounded)
One-Thousandth, .001 1/1000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If the question is meant to be "How much does a pound of flour weight?" The answer is a pound.
pound is much heavy than ounce
a pound of what