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That depends upon how much of it you eat. But yes, it could kill you.

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3mo ago

Yes, consuming foxglove can be deadly due to the presence of cardiac glycosides that can cause serious harm to the heart and other organs. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if someone has ingested any part of the foxglove plant.

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Q: If you eat foxglove will you die?
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Is it OK for horses to eat foxglove?

No, not at all. Sickness and death of horses has occured when horses have eaten hay that has later found to have contained foxglove.

Where do foxglove plants come from?

The foxglove comes from Ireland

When was Foxglove - film - created?

Foxglove - film - was created in 2008.

When was Foxglove Pug created?

Foxglove Pug was created in 1831.

What does a foxglove eat?

Foxgloves are plants that obtain their nutrients mostly through photosynthesis and from the soil via their root systems.

Where can you find foxglove growing?

The Foxglove is a native of Europe and was naturalized to the United States.

When was Foxglove - DC Comics - created?

Foxglove - DC Comics - was created in 1991.

What is foxglove in Welsh?

The Welsh word for "foxglove" is "menyg lis".

How much foxglove does it take to kill a person?

Foxglove contains digitalis, a potent toxin that can be fatal even in small amounts. Ingesting as few as two foxglove leaves or a single foxglove flower can be lethal to a person. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if someone ingests any part of the foxglove plant.

What happens if a cat eats foxgloves?

Foxglove is pretty poisonous so you should get it checked by a vet but it probably won't die.

Can sheep eat blackberry bushes?

Yes, sheep can eat blackberry bushes. Some poisonous plants for sheep are foxglove, holly, Jerusalem cherry, and the vinca vine.

What parts of the Chinese foxglove plant are used for medicinal purposes?

Chinese foxglove root is collected in the fall.