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Runescape Accursed Urns give a bonus experience of 375 exp. To fill the urn you have to have the urn in your inventory and kill lesser or greater demons. The ashes will automatically go into the urn, and can be teleported when full.

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Q: How much exp do runescape accursed urns give?
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Related questions

How do you use accursed urns in runescape?

Basically, you keep them in your inventory while killing monsters that drop special ashes, such as demonic ashes or accursed ashes. The urn will automatically be filled with the ashes; when it is full, click on it to get some prayer experience. Like all urns, after buying it you have to activate it with a rune first.

What can clay be used for in RuneScape?

Making pots, bowls, urns, and tablets.

How many cooking urns can you have in your bank in runescape?

As many as you like (the limit for any item is about 2 billion). Once you start using it, you can't have more than 10 of those.

When was The Sand from the Urns created?

The Sand from the Urns was created in 1948.

What is the easiest 99 on RuneScape?

The easiest 99 to get is Cooking, the Cooking exp per hour (on just Lobsters) is around 190k with the use of the best non members cooking urn. One urns exp bonus equates to 9 lobsters. Thus urns are a good investment. They reduce the amount of lobsters you need in total and from lvl 60-99 cooking, 1.1m of the exp will have been from urns! And as to date of June 2012, cooking is the fastest 99 to achieve.

What is silver urns?


I need to find a really fancy pet cremation urn. Where can I look online for pet urns?

The leading seller of pet cremation urns online is Best Friend Services at . If you would like, you can also find pet urns online at traditional retailers such as and . The best place to look online for urns and other funeral things is They specialize in cremation and burial urns and would be a good place to start your search.

What is a large URNS?

it means you have a long diccckkk

Where can you find cremation urns?

You can find cremation urns in several places, both online and in physical stores. Here are some options: Online Retailers like Amazon, Perfect Memorials, and Urns for Ashes offer a wide selection of cremation urns in various materials, styles, and sizes. Many of these sites also allow for customization or personalization of the urn. Funeral Homes and Cemeteries typically sell cremation urns as part of their services. They usually have a range of traditional or more elegant urns to choose from. Specialized Memorial Stores such as Cremation Urn Store are dedicated to offering a variety of urns, including eco-friendly options, artistic designs, and urns specifically for pet ashes. Etsy offers a variety of handcrafted, unique cremation urns made by independent artisans, many of which can be personalized to suit your needs. Local Gift or Home Décor Stores may carry cremation urns, particularly those specializing in memorial items or unique, sentimental gifts. These options give you the flexibility to find a cremation urn that suits your personal preferences and memorial needs. Visit our store handicraft-shop.

Is a term in America that designate Burial receptales?

Urns or cremation urns for ashes of deceased. Coffin or casket for bodies. Vaults could enclose either at a Mausoleum.

What art did the Hopi make?

Clay bowls/urns

What are grecian urns made out of?

They were made from clay.