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It would depend on what type of hay how much it would cost, also whether it was a small sqaure, a large square, a softcore bale or a hardcore bale. Small sqare weigh between 75 & 100 lbs, large square are around 800 lbs but can be heavier, softcore around 1200 lbs and largecore up to 1800 lbs. It will aslo depend on whether there is a drought in the area where you want to buy bales. In our area bales are selling for as low as $25. for a soft core up to about $45. for a hardcore with small squares about $3.50 each. In the year of the drought we were paying $110. for the large square ones. So bales this year would be selling for about 2.5 cents per lb in our area which is western Canada.

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15y ago

It depends all on the size of the bag , what company it is from and where you buy it. I got my Timothy Hay for a very reasonable company named : Living World.

BUT It always depends.

Also , good company's to buy guinea pig supplies from is : Living World , Kaytee , Yesterday's News and Hagen.

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Q: How much is timothy hay?
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What kind of hay does a guinea pig eat?

Timothy hay for an adult, alfalfa for a baby. There alternatives for timothy such as oat grass, but timothy hay is really best.

Clover is an example of Legume hay used for horses. Is Timothy a grass hay or legume hays?

Timothy is a grass hay

What is the difference between pet bedding and timothy hay?

Timothy hay is for small animals to eat. Bedding goes in the bottom of the cage for them to live on and be comfortable. Much more comfortable than newspaper.

What is the best type of hay to feed guinea pigs?

The best type of hay to feed Guinea Pig's are the Timothy hay since it is not too much in calories.

What crops are grown in Nevada?

Alfalfa Hay, Carrots, Onions, Timothy Hay, just a few I have seen in person. There is much more.

Can timothy hay grow in the wild?

Timothy grass, which is used for timothy hay, can grow wild in North America and Europe. It is a cool-season grass that can thrive in diverse environments. However, the quality of wild timothy hay may vary compared to cultivated varieties.

What is the difference between orchard and timothy hay?

Orchard and Timothy hay are two different species of hay. Both are considered grass type hays however. Timothy hay tends to have a lower protein level than Orchard hay, but can also be more expensive. The overall nutritional content of both hays will vary according to where they are grown.

Where do you buy timothy hay?

you can buy timothy hay at about any pet store, some walmarts carry it in the pet aisle.

What is best for chinchilla alfalfa or timothy hay?

Timothy hay should be their staple hay. you do not want to give alot of alfalfa hay because it is high in calcium and too much calcium is not good for chinchillas. some other safe hays/grasses chinchillas can have are: broome, bermuda, meadow, oat, bluegrass, and mountain.

Do horses eat timothy hay?

Yes horse do eat timothy hay, in fact it is one of the more commonly fed hays.

Is Timothy hay vegetables?

Yes its a vegetable

Are rabbits allowed to eat timothy hay?

yes, timothy is the best hay for bunnies. just remember never get off the road, it could have gas