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Q: How much does a non pedigreed miniature pinscher cost?
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Well, a Min Pin is from Germany and so is a Doberman Pinscher, so people may think there alike, but there really not. There's no blood line connecting the two. A Min Pin (Miniature Pinscher) is much smaller in size than a Doberman Pinscher. They do look alike but there not.

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Is the miniature pinscher the same as a miniature Doberman?

No. The German Pincher (Standard Pinscher) is one of the foundation breeds that were used to create the Doberman. The Doberman was created in Germany by a tax collector Mr. Louis Dobermann. Many crosses were used to create the Doberman. German Pinschers, Rottweilers, Beauceron Pinschers, Manchester Terriers, and the addition of the Greyhound gave the Doberman its' sleek and racey look. The German Pinscher(Standard Pinscher), besides helping to create the Doberman was one of the foundation breeds of The Minature Pinscher. The Minature Pincher like the Doberman had several breeds crosses to set the type for The Minature Pinscher. German Pinchers, Dachshunds, the small toy Greyhounds called the Italian Greyhound helped create a diminuative version of the German Pincher. The Minature Pincher called Min-Pins, and are mistakenly called Mini-Dobie. They did not decend from the Doberman. But both decended from the mid sized German Pincher. (The Standard Pincher). In actuality this answer is incorrect. Karl Frederich Louis Dobermann the creator of the Doberman pinscher did not use the Manchester Terrier or Greyhound. After his death in 1894 his kennel was purchased and the new kennel breeder introduced the Manchester as well as the Greyhound and in all likelihood the Great Dane as the dogs size grew larger after his death. The German Pinscher is in fact a smooth coated Standard Schnauzer that first appeared in the mid 1700's. Long after the Miniature Pinscher was in existence. It had nothing to do with the Miniature Pinscher (Zwergpinscher) which is simply a cross of the smooth coated Dachshund with an Italian Greyhound. By 1895 the Pinscher-Schnauzer Klub of Germany recgnized the German Pinscher as a separate breed so long as there was 3 generations of pedigree to substantiate it. It was officially given the name "Deutscherpinscher" which in English translates to German Pinscher. For the record there is no breed "Beauceron pinscher". Nor did the German Pinscher play any role in the creation or as breed stock for the Miniature Pinscher. The only documented study ever on the creation of the Zwergpinscher (miniature Pinscher) was done in the early 1800's and posted in 1836 by Dr. Frederich Reichenbach who after years of study concluded the breed was derived from just 2 separate breeds, Dachshund and Italian Greyhound. The other variations as to the creation of the Miniature Pinscher have no basis in fact and were started years ago with no doumentation to support it. It just keeps getting copied and reprinted by everyone who thinks they know the breed but have failed to take time to actually research beyond the shores of the US. Even in Germany the land of origin this rumor is well known to be just that a rumor. German farmers created the breed and for the purpose it was designed for, a swift ratter. In all likelihood though the "Deutscherpinscher" though not yet recognized as a separate breed from the Standard Schnauzer, was probably used by Dobermann in the beginning. The German Pinscher though nearly became extinct by WWII. If it had not been for Werner Jung, who escaped Germany with what was purported to be 3 registered German Pinscher bitches. Unfortunately with no males to be found he turned to oversized Miniature Pinscher males he found on farms as breed stock. It took him nearly 15 years but by the end of the 1950's he had resurrected the German Pinscher we see today. So the Miniature Pinscher breed stock can be found in the German Pinscher but not the other way around. One more note, the word "pinscher" does NOT translate or mean Terrier. It is taken from the English word "pincher" and was used to describe the biting action of the breed. In fact, Dobermann's do not have this biting action though the German Pinscher does. The Terrier breeds are the only breeds created by man for the sole purpose of killing other animals. Both the Miniature Pinscher and German Pinscher (once recognized) are ratters with high prey drive.

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