There is a high turnover rate with Pizza delivery drivers. Low pay and the wear and tear on their vehicles are some of the reasons for the high turnover rates.
They most likely make minimum wage plus tips and delivery commision, this is for pizza hut drivers.
For Family Feud Answers: Bad Tips Dogs Driving Finding House Bad Area
The surcharge for food delivery depends on the type of food, the delivery distance, whether or not tips are included, and other factors - but delivery meals definitely cost more than carryout in almost all cases. A typical delivery fee of $2 for pizza orders helps cover fuel expenses, while an upscale restaurant can charge far more.
I normally tip those who go above and beyond the call of duty (aside from people that make their living from tips- waitress, pizza delivery, etc. Which you would automatically tip regardless).
It all depends on where the pizza hut is located,i'd say probably either minimum wage, or 3.50 plus tips
There are people that are unfamiliar with the proper etiquette of receiving a pizza from a delivery service worker. Unfortunately for many pizza delivery workers, some people are unaware of the proper way to thank and treat a pizza delivery driver that has worked so hard to deliver something that’s essentially a luxury for the person that ordered. If you want to make a good impression on the pizza delivery worker, or simply do what’s right and show them the proper gratitude, follow these few simple rules that outline the old concept of manners. 1. Greet the pizza delivery worker in a friendly way: Don’t open the door, grab the pizza, pay for it, and close the door. Greet the worker with a friendly hi. Open the door fully and accept the pizza. 2. Have a word or two: If the driver wants to exchange a few words, do so. It’s important to be friendly at all times during the exchange. 3. Don’t forget to tip: This is the law that most people break when accepting their pizza. Keep in mind that the person that just delivered your pizza to your door depends on the tips received by customers. This person uses their own gas money and drives their own car to deliver your pizza, meaning that without a tip, they might have actually lost money by bringing your pizza to you. When a delivery worker is extra friendly, tip extra good. It shows them that by doing their job well, they can be paid more. This improves the exchange with the next customer and you’ve done a good deed. 4. Thank the driver: After you’ve tipped the driver, thank them sincerely. Tell them to have a good day, or night, depending on what time it is. This can really improve the mood of the driver and make their day go much more smoothly. It can also make those frustrating days more tolerable. If you follow these rules, you’ll be doing the pizza delivery service a favor and you’ll be helping yourself feel good because you’ve rewarded someone that has done a job that’s not very fun to do. The process is complete.
10% plus tips.
round about 6-7k but not sure.
depending on how hard they work and there tips and how much they clean.......
It can vary how much you can expect to make as a food server. In general you will make minimum wage and tips.
The average cafe waitress makes less than $3 per hour without tips. These waitresses depend upon tips to make their living.