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About $6.7billion

Quite a bit until it gets to your backyard, unfortunately

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3mo ago

The cost of a particle accelerator can vary widely depending on its size and complexity. Small research accelerators can range from a few million dollars to tens of millions, while larger facilities like the Large Hadron Collider can cost several billion dollars to build and operate over their lifespan.

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16y ago

About 4 to 6 billion to build, then budget in about 200-250 million a year to run it About 4 to 6 billion to build, then budget in about 200-250 million a year to run it

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14y ago

About £4.4 billion

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Q: How much does a particle accelerator cost?
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What is the nickname for a particle accelerator?

The nickname for a particle accelerator is often "atom smasher" because it is used to accelerate and collide particles at high energies to study their fundamental properties.

What particle can not be accerlated by the electric or magnetic field in a particle accelerator?

Neutrinos cannot be accelerated by electric or magnetic fields in a particle accelerator because they have no electric charge and very small magnetic moment. This means they are unaffected by these fields and pass through them without being deflected.

What is the name of the Particle accelerator complex located beneath the Franco-Swiss border?

The name of the Particle accelerator complex located beneath the Franco-Swiss border is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator, built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

Is a particle accelerator used to provide charged particles with sufficient kinetic energy to penetrate a nucleus?

Yes, a particle accelerator is used to accelerate charged particles to high speeds, giving them sufficient kinetic energy to penetrate a nucleus. When the particles collide with the nucleus, they can break it apart or induce nuclear reactions.

Could a particle accelerator collider blow up the world?

No, a particle accelerator collider cannot blow up the world. The energy levels in particle accelerators are not high enough to cause such catastrophic events. Safety measures are in place to prevent any such disasters from occurring.

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What does a particle accelerator do to atoms?

Nothing unless the atoms form a target. A PARTICLE accelerator accelerates PARTICLES not atoms.

What branch of physics uses particle accelerator?

Particle Physics

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What are the release dates for The Compact Particle Accelerator - 2012?

The Compact Particle Accelerator - 2012 was released on: USA: 8 March 2012 (internet)

A powerful machine that moves nuclear particles fast enough to make larger nuclei when the particles collide is called?

A particle accelerator.

What is a particle accelerator known as a collider?

splits atomes

What is the fasting accelerating object in the world?

a particle accelerated by a particle accelerator - That's my best guess

What is the name of machine used for making subatomic particles move faster?

Particle accelerator

Does a particle accelerator blend protons and neutrons together?

It is false.

How did the flash became the flash?

He was hit by lighting from the particle accelerator .

What is a beamline?

A beamline is the line travelled by a particle beam in an accelerator.

Why are magnets important to the particle accelerator?

they bend and/or focus the beam.