Infinitely many.
A decibel (dB) has meaning only when compared a quantity (P1, V1, or I1) with a reference (P0, V0, or I0). Since it is a ratio of two like quantities, it is dimensionless. For a power ratio, power gain = 10 * log10(P1/Po) in [dB]. For a voltage ratio, voltage gain = 20 * log10(V1/Vo) in [dB]. For example, when P1 = 100 * P0, the power gain = 10 * log10(100) [dB] = 20 dB.
It depends upon how much the ground deforms once the first bit of his body hits the ground, and how much his body deforms once the first bit of his body has hit the ground. The former is likely to be much less than the second (unless it is a specially designed landing area, say, for a stunt man jumping of a tall building where it will be designed to deform much more than the body of the stunt man so as to ensure there is near enough no traumatic stress on his body). It will be any time greater than 0 seconds, the the amount of time depends as above.
About 200,000,000.
1 decibel of increase of sound level is the smallest increase (or decrease) in level that may be discerned by the average person. It corresponds to an increase in level of about 25%. [The 10th root of 10 is another similar expression.] The decibel was initially used to measure changes in signal level in a line. Named after Alexander Graham Bell. One Bell - 10dB - sounds twice as loud to those same average individuals.
there is no krypton in the human body
There are billions of nerves in the human body.
The human body is composed of cells.
The human body has billions of nerves in total.
The human body is about 3% Nitrogen
There are approximately 206 bones in the human body.
Oxygen makes up about 65% of the human body by mass.
A 60 decibel sound is 10 times louder than a 40 decibel sound. Decibels follow a logarithmic scale, where an increase of 10 decibels represents a sound that is perceived as being 10 times more intense.
A lot... The body is 75% water.