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It depends what kind of insurance programs you're looking at, as well as the kind of life you lead. If you're more active or participate in "risky" sports, you might need to take out a policy with a higher premium.

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Q: How much coverage do you need for accident insurance?
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What happens if the damages in an accident exceed the insurance coverage of the person at fault?

You need a life insurance policy to cover the risk of death and a health insurance policy as a cushion against hospitalisation expenses. Buy Personal Accident Insurance Coverage :

What is the collision coverage?

That is the part of your insurance that pays for damage to your vehicle, when you are at fault, if you are involved in an accident. This is coverage would need to be purchased in addition to your regular liability insurance.

How much liability insurance do I need on my car?

The amount of liability insurance you need on your car depends on your state's minimum requirements and your personal financial situation. It is recommended to have enough coverage to protect your assets in case of an accident.

What kind of car insurance will I get if I am a new driver in Texas?

You will need to get a coverage that you can afford but at the same time will pay for the accident, because according to Texas state law, the driver responsible for the accident will have to pay for the accident. Insurance is a must have and you should compare the rates from multiple companies and get the one with better coverage.

Can you still collect on your own insurance without paying the deductible after an accident.?

If you have collision coverage on your vehicle you can collect from your insurance company for the damages. You will not have to pay the deductible if you were determined by the insurance company to not be at fault for the accident. They then go after the other insurance company to get the money they paid you back. If you do not carry collision coverage then you need to file with other insurance company, they will then decide who was at fault for the accident if their party was at fault they then pay you for the damages to your vehicle.

Can an insurance company deney coverage because you did not report and accident settled out of pocket?

If it is in the policy, then yes they can deny coverage. You will need to read your policy carefully, it will reveal the answers there.

What are Types of dog insurance?

Learn and find all the information you need to know about dog types What exactly do you mean by types of dog insurance? Like insurance for dogs? Because there is this company called Trupanion that does dog and cat insurance. So if you are looking to get insurance for your pet, I would recommend checking their website out.

Do you have to have full coverage auto insurance?

No, "full coverage" auto insurance is not required by law.All states require some level of car insurance that covers costs if you are responsible for an accident. That would be called liability insurance and the state minimum coverages dictate how much of it you need to buy.That said, "full coverage" does not actually exist and the phrase generally refers to buying a combination of several insurance types to ensure the most protection.

What is your responsibility to the loan holder when you have an auto accident?

The same as they were before the accident. You owe the balance of the note loaned you. If you had full coverage auto insurance then you will likely have no need for concern.

What type of attorney do you need if your vehicle was hit an person did not have auto insurance?

An accident Attorney. Most accident attorneys however will not be interested in taking the case if they know the other party has no insurance <><><> Agree- however, if YOU have insurance, you probably do not need an attorney. YOUR insurance pays you under uninsured motorist coverage, and then the insurance company's lawyer goes after them.

Had an accident on the same day you got insurance are you covered?

It is not a secret. You need to look at your policy for the effective date and time of the commencement of coverage.

How much uninsured motorist coverage do I need on my auto insurance policy in the state of Georgia?

You need at least $2000 uninsured motorist coverage for you auto insurance policy in the state of Georgia