Well, honey, I'm not a walking price list, but last time I checked, a pack of 10 cigarettes at Spar could set you back around $5-10, depending on the brand and location. But hey, smoking ain't good for you or your wallet, so maybe consider investing that cash in something that won't slowly kill you. Just saying.
53 KR for 10 Marlboro red cigarettes
It Depends on which brand of cigarettes but i mean i believe the most expensive it 10 dhs which isn't much
if you mean 10-15 cigarettes a day for 5 years, that is enough to get lung cancer.
10 cents on average
Yes they do. You will find it in all tobacco products.
How much are cigarettes in alask
Online you can buy maximum 12 cartons. One carton contain 10 packs, 200 cigarettes
There are 10 packs of cigarettes in a carton. There are 200 cigarettes in a carton and 20 in a pack making it 10 packs a carton.
6Euro for 10 Benson
As of 2011, anywhere from $6-10 depending on the brand and store.
10 packs of 20 cigarettes: a carton
A carton of premium brand cigarettes in the South is 35 to 40 dollars a carton.