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Q: How may hydrocodone pills can you take in a day?
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If you stop your pills the first day on the second week of pills when should you start your period?

sometimes it may come on time or it may take a month or more it depends on your body!

Can hydrocodone be smoked?

To my knowledge if you try to smoke hydrocodone pills it will simply wasted the pill, because the Tylenol in it is not a substance you may smoke. It's the same for trying to shoot up the pill too. You simply cannot extract the narcotic out of the pill to be able to shoot or smoke hydrocodone pills.

If you forgot to take the pill and your boyfriend ejacultated inside you but you took both pills the next day what are the chances of getting pregnant?

You should still be protected from pregnancy because you made up for the day that you missed. However, there may be chance of becoming pregnant if you do not take your pills every day at the same time. If you properly take your pills, you are 99.9% protected.

What if I took all my birth control pills at once?

Do not do that, your birth control pills contain hormones that affect they way your body works. As with all medicines it is dangerous to take more pills than the doctor tells you to take. Taking all the birth control pills at once will likely make you ill and may even require you to go to hospital. Finally if you take them all at once you will not be protected from pregnancy for the rest of the month (they work on a day by day basis).

Difference between the pills m357 and m359 white caplets?

Both are generic combination drugs of "hydrocodone and acetaminophen"...Vicodin or Lortab are the brand names. Acetaminophen (APAP) is the generic name for Tylenol. These drugs have acetaminophen in them for several reasons: to reduce fever and pain...AND most assure that the patient does not take too many pills because taking more than the recommended dosage of APAP can result in liver toxicity or death. This medication is addictive and people who are prone to addiction will need increased amounts of the narcotic/hydrocodone in order to get the same "numbing" effect. Addiction can be avoided by only taking this medication for mild to moderate pain and only in the amounts prescribed FOR YOU! If your medication is not strong enough, your doctor may increase the amount of the narcotic and decrease the amount of acetaminophen...such as prescribing Norco: the M367 imprinted pills...10mg hydrocodone/325mg APAP. M357 is 5mg of hydrocodone and 500mg of acetaminophen M359 is 7.5mg of hydrocodone and 650mg of acetaminophen

How do you transition ultram ER to Lortab?

DO NOT DO THIS WITH OUT THE ADVICE OF A PHARMACIST Tramadol is significantly different then hydrocodone (lortab) even though they are both opioids. I can't give you information on their equivalency, you need to talk to a pharmacist. The most basic advice would be to stop taking the extended-release tramadol and start taking the lortab every 4 hours. Some information suggests that 50mg of tramadol taken 4 times a day is equivalent to 40mg of morphine per day. That would suggest that 200mg tramadol per 24hrs is equivalent to 40mg morphine per 24hrs (roughly). Since oral hydrocodone is considered approximately equal to oral morphine, the equivalent dose would be 40mg hydrocodone a day for each 200mg of tramadol a day. Because of the dangers in switching and errors in conversion, you should start at half of that. That means if you take 100 mg Ultram ER each day, you should now take 10mg hydrocodone (lortab comes as 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 mg hydrocodone along with 500 mg acetaminophen). Assuming you have 5mg/500mg lortab pills, I would take a quarter of a pill every 3 hours (1.25mg hydrocodone 8 times a day). If you take 200mg Ultram ER each day, start with 2.5mg hydrocodone (1 pill) every 3 hours (20mg a day). If you take 300mg Ultram ER, still start with 2.5mg every 3 hours. If those dosages don't help your pain, you'll need to slowly increase your dosage. A more advanced method would be to slowly decrease the ultram er (which may be impossible since its an ER fomulation, shouldn't be broken in half, etc.) and slowly increase the lortab Never take these medications any other way besides oral.

What happens if you take 4 birth control pills in one day?

It will affect you in many ways you may gain weight, and the next period will not arrive on the regular date.

How many birth control pills do you take a day?

read the back :D

What does it means if you are on pills and your period is a day late and you are spotting for only one day and it goes off?

Your question is a little unclear but as long as your period is withing the week your on <<sugar pills>> or your week off of the pills. I wouldn't worry about it. Now if your saying that your period is only a few days of spotting and usually isn't like that, then id suggest to talk to your doctor and take a pregnancy test. If your bleeding while taking the pills, then the pill may not be fully effective to you, you may need to switch brands.

What happens of I take 4 2632 and 2 and a half AN 627 pills?

If you take 4 2632 and 2 and a half AN 627 pills they may have a toxic effect on your body.

Is 50 Mg of hydrocodone per day ok?

I took that much hydrocodone or more, in addition to other longer acting opiates, daily for pain management for nearly 6 months. Medically speaking, it is safe to take 50mg of hydrocodone per day if you have a tolerance to opiates. Tolerance develops when one takes significant amounts of opiates (hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, heroin) frequently for an extended period of time. However, that much hydrocodone could cause side effects such as constipation, drowsiness, itchyness, sleep disturbance, irritability, decreased libido, and more. If you take that dose every day for an extended period you may also become physically dependent on hydrocodone. That means that if you suddenly stop or significantly decrease your dose you may experience uncomfortable flu like withdrawal symptoms. This commonly includes runny nose, body pain, sweats, chills, hot flashes, nausea, diarrhea, restlessness and more. So long as you avoid acute overdose there is no danger in taking 50mg of hydrocodone on a daily basis. However, to my knowledge, there is no preparation of hydrocodone that has hydrocodone as the only active ingredient. The vast majority of pills containing hydrocodone also contain APAP (acetaminophen, paracetamol, & Tylenol are also names for this same chemical), which can be very toxic to the liver. Pills like Vicodin, Lortab, Norco, and all of their generics contain APAP in varying amounts. For example a 5/500 Vicodin contains 5mg of hydrocodone and 500mg of APAP, while a 10/325 Norco contains 10mg of hydrocodone and 325mg of APAP. There are dozens of different preparations available with doses ranging from 5mg - 10mg of hydrocodone combined with 325mg - 1000mg of APAP. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the maximum safe acute dose of APAP is 6g (6000mg) in one day. The FDA has also stated that if APAP is to be taken every day for an extended period, then the maximum safe daily dose is 4g (4000mg) per day. However, recent research has shown that even 4g of APAP per day has a negative effect on the liver. So, even though the hydrocodone itself is not dangerous, the other active ingredients in the pill syou are taking may be. If you are taking this medication to treat chronic pain then talk to your doctor about trying different, longer acting, pain medications that contain no APAP and will require you to dose less frequently while providing better control over your pain. -Aces N 8s

How do you take Viagra pills?

May be taken with or without food, 50 mg 1 hour before sexual activity, maximum 100 mg once per day.