There are 100 years in a century.
One century equals one hundred years.
10,000 light years = 9.4605284 × 1016 kilometers.
There are 520 weeks in a decade. This can be calculated by multiplying 10 years in a decade by 52 weeks in a year.
period of revolution in Earth years for Mercury is 0.241 and Earth is 1.00. So 2.41 years in Mercury equalls 10 years in Earth. Correction : Using the above figures (which seem about right) : 10 years on Earth equals 10/0.241 years for Mercury. That's about 41.49 Mercury years.
1.9 x 10^14 light years is equivalent to 1.9 quadrillion light years.
The star 61 Cygni B is estimated to have a main sequence lifetime of approximately 10 billion years.
A decade equals 10 years, so 10 decades equals 100 years, which is one century.
4 * 100 = 400 years
the answer to this question is 14 centurys
there are 600 decades in 60 centurys.
10.100.365, = 31 557 600 000 seconds
Sachin Tendulkar has above fifty centurys.
Like any century, there were 100 years in the 7th century. There are 700 years in 7 centuries.
Like any century, there were 100 years in the 8th century. There are 800 years in 8 centuries.
Like any century, there were 100 years in the 6th century. There are 600 years in 6 centuries.
10 centurys
You have a typo.Its "centuries" instead of "centurys" Each century is 100 years, so 2 centuries would be 200 years. This year is 2013, so 200 years ago, it was 1813
just the 1