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Styles of delivery vary, of course, but in general, conversational speech that is pleasant to listen to and easy to understand runs about 100 to 125 words a minute. In a speech before a group, you will want to leave time for pauses that highlight your points and for occasional short, silent moments when you hope that the audience will think a bit about what you have said.

Because you will not either memorize or read your speech -- you will speak from brief, carefully prepared notes, won't you? -- you will need time to consider precisely how you want to phrase your next thought.

Those techniques, and other time-consuming techniques that you must have studied, will make your speech sound conversational and directed to the members of the audience, not "canned."

After you have prepared your notes, practice the speech aloud, several times, as though an audience were present; and time it. Try to have a timepiece in view at show-time so that you can track your control of the assigned window.

TIP: Most people who speak about a topic they know about and care about and who prepare thoroughly tend to run over the time limit: they run out of time before they run out of thoughts.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Saurabh Saraf, its very simple in one minute one can speak on an average fifteen sentances and taking average one sentance consist of nearly seven words therefore 15*6minutes*7=6300words in 6 minutes

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5mo ago

On average, a five-minute speech consists of around 750-900 words depending on the pace of the speaker.

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12y ago

As long as you want it to be. I don't think it really matters as long as you get your points across.

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11y ago

It usually depends, but average would be about 200.

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14y ago

140 words per minute

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About 30-50, depending on how often you take a breath.

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