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If your using real words then as far as i can tell, 6.

1. BEG

2. BAD


4. ACE

5. DAB

6. DEF

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Q: How many words can you make in the music alphabet?
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What are the words you can make from the alphabet?

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How many words can you make using these letters of alphabet without the letter p?

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None. There are no vowels among the Roman Numerals.

Why do you use the alphabet?

The alphabet is important ofcourse. It is important because if we wouldn't have made letters there would be no words. If we didnt make words we would have no way of communicating. The alphabet is also important because people write stories to entertain us. We use the internet by reading it and for many other reasons. If the alphabet wasnt needed, why invent it?

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If you are talking about the letters of the words "PAN no", there is only one alphabet used: the Latin alphabet.

How many letters are in the alphabet does China have?

None. The Chinese "alphabet" contains words, not letters.