Dairy- 14 servings
Protein- 10 servings
Veggies- 2 servings
Fruits- 1 serving
Grains- 11 servings
Oils and fats- 9 servings
You must have 6 or more portions of food a day from the carbohydrates group (bread, potatoes and cereal group), 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables, 3 portions of food from the dairy group (milk, cheese and yogurt), 2 portions from the meat or protein group and eat food from the sweet, cake and oils group (fat) sparingly I hope that answered your question.
It isn't necessarily servings to look for, but how much of each that works for you. The range is as follows: 30-60% of your daily intake should be vegetables, 10-40% should be beans/legumes, 10-40% should be fruits, 20% whole grains and tubers, 10-40% seeds and nuts, less than 10% eggs, fish, and dairy, and rarely beef, sweets, and processed foods. These numbers vary greatly in percentage depending on the person. These factors include gender, age, and BMI, just to name a few.
Food Guide Pyramid
Food Guide Pyramid
to tell you how much and how often you should eat from each food group. It teels you how big one serving is and how many you should have each day. It helps keep you healthy!
Both describe food serving sizes. The Food Pyramid assigns a portion size to each serving, then recommends how many of these servings from each food group you should eat daily for a balanced diet. Food labels offer a slightly different standardized serving size to be used when shopping to compare nutritional information between similar products.
A helpful website for learning and making a good diet for your lifestyle is myfoodpyramid.gov It can tell you how many of each food group you should be eating each day, it even has recomendations for each food group!
The main features of a food groups are a list of the foods that fall into different food groups. The plan then specifies which foods will be consumed with each meal. Each meal should incorporate diverse food groups.
There are 70 calories in each serving! Each serving is 1 tablespoon!
There are typically 4 cups in a serving of food.
The triangles are used to describe specific food groups and how many servings of each group are needed daily.
Depends on food item.
To create your own pregnancy diet, first determine how many meals you plan on eating a day, then divide the caloric consumption accordingly. Choose low calorie food from each food group, and be sure to have foods from each food group at every meal.
3 servings