The 2009 Fairfield, CT, population is 57548. There are approximatley 1929 people per square mile.
The distance between Fairfield, CT and New Haven, CT is approximately 20 miles.
The address of the Birdcraft Museum At Fairfield is: 2325 Burr Street, Fairfield, CT 06824
The address of the Historical Society Of Fairfield is: 370 Beach Rd, Fairfield, CT 06824-6639
Fairfield, CT
The address of the Fairfield Museum And History Center is: 370 Beach Road, Fairfield, CT 06824
Fairfield, CT
He was born in Bridgeport, CT and grew up in Fairfield, CT!
Fairfield, Connecticut's area is 31.3 square miles (81.1 square kilometers).
435 Commerce Dr, Fairfield CT 06825 203 335 0666 - Sales Telephone #
The address of the New Fairfield Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 8156, New Fairfield, CT 06812-8156
As of the 2020 Census, Greenwich, CT has a population of roughly 62,000 residents.
Fairfield, CT