how many pounds of menudo to feed 10 people.
It is typically about 6 to 8 ounces per person.
Ideally, you would need about 60 ounces of fish to serve 8 people. The common serving of fish per person is about 6 to eight ounces.
It depends on the type of fish: 25 pounds for white fish 50 pounds for shellfish without the shell 100 pounds for shellfish with the shell 20 pounds for oily fish (like bluefish) 40 pounds for red fish (like salmon) and on the preparation: for instance if you're making sushi you'll need only about 4 pounds, if you're making sashimi or ceviche you may need 50 lbs.
Allow about a half pound per person. That means you would need about 25 pounds to feed 50 people.
That is 37.5 pounds.
3 pounds
I would get 20 pounds.
I would serve 11 pounds
It should be plenty, but always make some extra, just incase