Depends on the value assigned teach question - not all question values are the same.
points each question worth on 8 question exam?
I cannot answer this question. I do not know how much each question is worth.
96 points
60% of 30 is 18 (0.6 x 30), so you go into the exam with 18 points. A perfect score on the exam would result in an overall grade of 83% (70 + 18).
points is each question worth on a 12 question exam?
points each question worth on 8 question exam?
If each question has the same "weight" (value), then each question would be worth 100% / 40 = 2.5%. However, it is also possible that some questions have more weight than others. In this case, 2.5% is simply the average value of each question.
I cannot answer this question. I do not know how much each question is worth.
96 points
If you make the assumption - without any justification - that all questions are worth the same, then each one is worth 1/35 of the total for the exam.
Questions on a test do not always have the same point value. The answer cannot be determined.
60% of 30 is 18 (0.6 x 30), so you go into the exam with 18 points. A perfect score on the exam would result in an overall grade of 83% (70 + 18).
In an exam, each parson's paper is marked and points awarded against an "ideal" answer. The number of marks awarded show how well a person has done in answering the exam questions.
On the SAT you get 1/4 point subtracted for every multiple-choice question you answer incorrectly. You get 0 points subtracted for every multiple choice question you don't answer.