It would all depend on the budget you have for the wedding. Usually people like to have large ones as weddings dont happen many times in a lifetime. However, some people cannot make it happen due to money. The best thing is to decide a budget and consult a wedding planner on the scale.
There are many people who will do wedding dress make overs for you. You could check online for this information.
there are many people on the wedding and the atmosphere there is active
About 1,000,000 people in the state of Kentuckyremember their wedding kiss.
A wedding plan book can be used no matter what religion one believes, but not all people use a wedding plan book. To make memories, many use a wedding plan book.
There are many people who have started business of providing Wedding Cars in London for hire. And if you put in serious efforts you can make very good earnings out of it.
i can make 3 wedding cakes in 24 hours
To make personalised wedding invites it may be a good idea to research 'wedding invitation templates' online or look at ready-made invites in a store. Many people choose to make their own invites and often use the colour scheme or theme of the wedding as inspiration.
Not always. Many people plan their own weddingsthemselves.
About 1,900 people