

Best Answer

If you mean ounces of weight, there's no definite answer. It depends on the

variety of prune, how tightly they're packed, etc.

If you mean fluid ounces of volume, every cup is equal to 8 fluid ounces,

no matter what's in it, or even if it's empty.

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1 cup of raisins weighs approx. 5 ounces. -Ben

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Q: How many prunes equal a cup of prune juice?
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How many prunes equals 1 cup prune juice?

every cup

What kind of tree do prunes come from?

A prune is a plum which has been dried. Plums grow on trees and can be purple, red or yellow. They have a somewhat flattened pip, which contains a nut which resembles an almond.

How many calories in 8oz of prune juice?

240 calories are present in 8oz of prune juice

How many prunes equal 100 grams?

12 or so prunes equal 100 grams.

How many prunes do you eat a day?

It all depends on what your situation is like. The best way to do it is to start with 3 Prunes, if that doesn't work then eat 5. That should do it for you. Keep that up for 3 to 5 days, if there is no relief, then see a doctor

Why do prunes make you poop?

Because prunes contain Magnesium.Contrary to what many believe, it is not the fiber in a prune that makes you "poop" (move your bowels), prunes contain magnesium. (besides fiber)Anyone that has taken Milk of Magnesia knows this is the primary ingredient in the laxative.

Why do old people drink prune juice?

Prune juice is a good source of multiple vitamins and minerals, and many individuals of all ages enjoy its taste. But perhaps prune juice is best known for its ability to ease constipation and its gentle laxative effect. For this reason it is recommended to anyone, including children, young and older adults who have slow digestion. Prune juice also can be purchased as an organic product that is natually vegan.

How long does it take for prunes to work as a laxitive?

It's impossible to give an exact answer, because it depends on the severity of the individual's condition and also on how many of and how often the prunes are consumed. However, most people report that the effect was a quick one.

Do prunes have stones?

They can have stones in them. Prunes are dried plums. While many prunes are pitted in the process, some are not. And there is always the risk of missing one in the process.

What happens if you eat rotten prunes?

Consumption of too many prunes will result in loose stools or diarrhea.

How many calories in 4 prunes?


How many carbohydrates in a prune?

There is 1 gram of fiber per 1 prune.