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Rocket ships can travel at speeds ranging from 25,000 to 36,000 miles per hour (40,000 to 58,000 kilometers per hour) depending on the mission and type of rocket.

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How do astronauts go to space?

with a rocket ship?

How does astronaut go around the world?

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How fast does a rocket ship go from Earth to the Moon?

A rocket ship can reach the Moon in approximately 3 days, traveling at a speed of about 3,380 km/h (2,100 mph). The exact duration and speed can vary depending on the specific mission and trajectory taken.

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You go to the moon get a rocket ship and then use your rocket ship to fly around the galaxy going to panets. you just roam the galaxy.

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A Dassault Mirage III can go Mach 1.52 (1127.0115 mph) without a rocket, Mach 1.8 (1334.6188 mph) with a rocket at max speed.

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How many people can go in a rocket ship?

The number of people that can go in a rocket ship depends on the size and design of the rocket. For example, the Space Shuttle could carry up to seven astronauts, while the SpaceX Dragon capsule can carry up to seven as well. Some rockets, like the Falcon Heavy, can carry larger crews due to their size and configuration.

How fast does an average rocket ship go?

An average rocket ship can travel at speeds of around 17,000 to 25,000 miles per hour in low Earth orbit. However, speeds can vary depending on the specific mission and destination of the rocket.

How fast does a rocket pocket go?

It depends on the rider and road conditions but if it is a 110cc moter it will go 55-60 mph.

What was one important dicision Neil Armstrong made?

to go up on the rocket ship

What is a synonym of spacecraft?

UFO,Flying saucer, rocket Ship, Rocket, shuttle, space probe, go to