There are 52.14 days is a dog year, and there are 52.28 days on our leap year.
There are 14 months in a year for a dog
A dog year is not a precise unit, but if is is 7 years, then a dog month would be 7 months so 1 year and two months would be 7 dog years and 14 dog months or 8 dog years and 2 months.
How many months does it take to teach a dog to go the bathroom outside? is a question that many people ask before getting a dog. Depending on the dog and owner, dogs can be taught in days or even a couple of weeks.
im not sure about 8 months but there is 7 dog years in one human year (12 months) hope this helps
about 1.7 about a month and 21 days
1 month and 4 human days make up 1 dog year
1 full year (12 months) is 7 dog years. Making 1 dog year. 12/7 which is around 1.7. 1.7*5 is around 8.6 months assuming 1 month=30 days. This would equate to 258 days. (Around 8 and a half months)
There are 84 human months in a dog year. Why? Because one year for a human is seven years for a dog. So there are twelve monts in a human month. Therefore, you have to do 12 x 7=84. That is your answer. 84. sorry that's wrong. the facts are kinda right but not the maths. the answer is 12 divided by 7, or 364/7 . the answer is there are 52 days in a dog year.
twice a year Any size dog goes into heat on average every 5-7 months. - ER Vet
7 weeks a day9 months a year
some people say that owning a dog makes you live a year longer by caring for it
Typically twice a year. The heat cycle for most dogs is between 6-8 months and can last from 2 - 4 weeks at a time. They can have their 1st season as early as 6 months old.