Many peoples around the world use lunar months, and a few use a luni-solar calendar.
12 months in the Gregorian calendar.
12 months in a year.JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberThere are twelve months in a year in the gregorian calendarOther calendars have different numbers, for example Jewish calendar has 12 or 13 months in a year, and the original roman one had 10 months.
10 months
the jewish calendar began many centuries before before the Gregorian Calendar. Jewish answer The Jewish calendar consists of twelve lunar months. It also keeps in step with the solar year, by adding a thirteenth lunar leap-month seven times every nineteen years. The Gregorian calendar, which sticks to the solar year, ignores the lunar months and does not attempt to keep in step with them.
The Chinese lunar calendar does not use months, rather divisions. The Chinese lunar calendar has 24 divisions in a year.
There are 11 months in a Mayan Calender
six months plus one week
12 (twelve).
About five and a half calendar months and almost six lunar months.