Saint Lucia is about 970 miles North of the equator.
239 square miles, but that's area not width.
The distance between the above places is 4218 miles. This distance is point to point straight distance. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path chosen. Also this is not the airport to airport precise distance.
St. Lucia is an island in the Caribbean..... 0 road miles.
The air distance from Castries, Saint Lucia, to Sanford, Florida, is 1,651 miles. That equals 2,658 kilometers or 1,435 nautical miles.
St. Augustine Florida lies about 291 miles north of Miami along the east coast. The driving milage is between 320 miles and 360 miles depending on your route.
If you were to sail from Islamorada in the Florida Keys to Castries, Saint Lucia, it would take roughly 2 days, 3 hours, 30 minutes. The distance between these locations is 1,481 miles.
The country of Saint Lucia has an area of 237.84 square miles.
Castries, the capital city of Saint Lucia [Sainte-Lucie], is about 614 miles [988 kilometers; 533 nautical miles] from Aruba's capital city at Oranjestad. Saint Lucia is east of Aruba. It takes about 1.5 hours to fly from Castries to Oranjestad.
st lucia in relation to the equator is about 12 degrees north.St Lucia is part of the Windward Islands. From Castries, St Lucia, the distance to the Equator is 963 is approximately 13 degrees north and 61 degrees southroughly 936 miles
Distance is 6794 kilometers or 4222 miles or 3669 nautical miles
The air distance from Castries, Santa Lucia, to Orlando, Florida, is 1,645 miles. That equals 2,647 kilometers or 1,429 nautical miles.