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Assuming the container is 20'W x 20'L x 20'H = 8,000 cubic feet

A metric ton is 1,000 kilograms or 2,204.623 pounds

Rice (hulled) = 47lbs/CF

Rice (rough) = 36lbs/CF

Rice (hulled) = 170.5507 Metric Tons in that container size

Rice (rough) = 130.63458 Metric Tons in that container size

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13y ago

It depends on the density of the matter in the container.

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11y ago

Ton is a unit of mass and foot is a unit of length.

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Q: How many metric tons of rice can you get in a 20X20 container?
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Can you fit 1 million grains of rice in a 1 liter container?

No, 1 litre container can hold about 11,000 grains of rice (if cooked!) You could fit about 50,000 uncooked grains in a litre container

How many moles of rice grains are equal to 1.807 x 10 24 grains of rice?


Which cereal is the largest producer in the world?

Humans produce more maize (also known as corn) than any other grain in the world, at 792 million metric tons (all values from the year 2007). Although maize is not a main source of human food, it is used extensively as animal fodder and as a source of corn ethanol. A close second to maize is the production of rice (659 metric tons), and the third most produced cereal by weight is wheat (606 metric tons). Rice is especially important to Asian cuisine and food consumption, since it grows well in wet, tropical climates and yields a lot of caloric value. Wheat is used in many common everyday European food products such as bread and crackers. All other cereals - including barley, millet, oats, and buckwheat - are produced at such low quantities compared to the top three cereals that they are vastly less important in terms of production (<140 metric tons).

1 quart of rice equals how many ounces?

Twelve ounces of cooked rice equals 4 ounces of uncooked rice, if you use a two to one ratio of liquid to water. To calculate just take the weight of the water, "a pint is a pound the whole world 'round", and add it to the weight of the rice

What is one grain of rice called?

One grain of rice is called a grain of rice. The plural form is grains of rice.