There is a fire in the igloo that keeps the people living in it warm. The igloo is also made of a few layers of blocs of snow and ice so it can block the wind and cold weather from coming inside.
There are two syllables in the word "igloo" (ig-loo).
There are 3 phonemes in the word igloo: /i/ /g/ /lu/.
I think that you get 2 things with the clubpenguin igloo set.
I don't think there really is a best igloo in Club Penguin. Everybody critcices thigs differently, so you may want to look at as many penguins igloo's as you can and you can decide.
In your igloo, click the edit your igloo button, and their is a catalog for your igloo at the bottom right
Aunt Arctic's igloo is hidden as a regular igloo of a penguin.
To get to his igloo you have to click on a member penguin with their igloo opened and click on rockhopper until his igloo is opened you got to do it fast