There are 1000 milliwatts in a watt. There are 1000 watts in a kilowatt. Therefore, there are 1 million milliwatts in one kilowatt.
Kilowatt hour
A kilowatt is an unit of true power in an AC circuit -as measured by a wattmeter. A kilovolt ampere is an unit of apparent power in an AC circuit, which is the product of the voltage across a load by the current through it. The relationship between the two is: kilowatt = (kilovolt ampere) x (power factor of load)
1 unit is 1 kilowatthour, ie 1 kilowatt for 1 hour
A kilowatt hour is the amount of energy consumed, over a period of one hour, at the rate of one kilowatt. It's used by your electricity utility company for measuring the energy you consume, for the purpose of billing. It's SI equivalent is measured in joules.A kiloampere hour is a unit of charge. It's SI equivalent is measured in coulombs. Batteries are often rated in ampere hours.
The watt (or kilowatt) is a unit of power (energy/time). Kilowatt per unit area, for example, kilowatt per square meter, doesn't have a special unit name, but the thing measured is called intensity.
The same as it can generate in a day, or in a year, or in a second. Kilowatt is a unit of power, not a unit of energy.
watts or kilowatts are used to measure power, which is how quickly energy flows, and electrical energy is measured in kilowatt-hours. A kilowatt-hour is also known as a Unit of electrical energy, and it is the amount of energy used when a power of 1 kilowatt flows for 1 hour.
It is a unit of energy. If energy is transferred at a rate (power) of one kilowatt, during one hour, then one kilowatt-hour (kilowatt times hour) of energy will be transferred. Since a joule is equal to a watt-second, a kilowatt-hour is the same as 3.6 million joules.
There is no such thing as a "kilowatt per hour". Kilowatt is a unit of power, not of energy. A unit of energy is kilowatt-hour. That's kilowatt times hours, not "per" hour ("per" implies division, not multiplication). If a generator produces 10 kilowatts, that means it produces 10 kilowatt-hours every hour.
there is 3412 btu's to 1 kilowatt
kilojoule (kJ) is a unit of energy. kilowatt (kW) is a unit of power, or energy per unit time. so 1 kW = 1 kJ/s s = (second)
Electricity consumption or, more accurately, energy consumption is measured in units called joules (J), although electricity supply companies use a bigger, non-SI, unit called the kilowatt hour. A kilowatt hour is defined as 'the energy consumer, over a period of one hour, at the rate of one kilowatt'.
A measure of electrical energy equivalent to one kilowatt hour is a unit of energy equal to 3.6 million joules.
You are confusing power with energy. A kilowatt is a unit of power, not a unit of energy.
No, a unit is always one kilowatt-hour.
1 kilowatt means a continuous power flow of 1000 watts, and in one hour the energy expended is 1 kilowatt-hour, also known as 1 kWh or Unit.