the road distance between Bordeaux and Entrevaux (near Nice) is 837 km. The driving time is a little more than 8 hours.
distance : 676 km, including 662 km expressways; driving time: 07H00 1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers, 1 kilometer = 0.621371192 miles distance in miles = 676 X 0.621371192 = 420,04 miles
The population of Bordeaux is 220,000
The port city of Bordeaux, France comprises a land area of 12,198.4 acres.
6,812 kilometers
the road distance between Bordeaux and Entrevaux (near Nice) is 837 km. The driving time is a little more than 8 hours.
245 km taking A62.
It takes 14 hours 25 minutes to drive the 878.9 miles from Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France to Liverpool, United Kingdom. The distance in kilometers is 969.9 km.
Bordeaux is IN France.
distance : 676 km, including 662 km expressways; driving time: 07H00 1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers, 1 kilometer = 0.621371192 miles distance in miles = 676 X 0.621371192 = 420,04 miles
By road it is around 370 miles from Paris to Bordeaux.
there are 304.52 kilometers in between oslo and bergan
The population of Bordeaux is 220,000
It is 507.1 kilometers.
166 Kilometers
what is the distance between the us and Australia.
The port city of Bordeaux, France comprises a land area of 12,198.4 acres.