Teachers "officially" work 35-40 hours a week
That's actually at the school.
Teachers are expected to be present at school each day, which means that they have to arrive before the students and they leave after students leave. Add on the time spent marking and grading papers at home; preparing report cards; shopping for supplies (average teacher spends $250 - $500 a year out of his/her own pocket for classroom supplies); getting materials together and preparing worksheets; private research and reading; professional development requirements and continuing education classes; "meet-the-teacher" night and other parent-teacher interviews; staff meetings; extra-curriculum activities such as coaching sports or music groups and entering competitions for same; and you can easily figure an average of 50 hours a week, including weekends.
I am a high school science teacher. Each day, I arrive to work at 6:15 am and I leave everyday around 4:15. I tutor students from 3:00 - 4:00. When I get home, I make lesson plans for the next week. I probably spend about 30 minutes per day on planning for the next week. I make up a power point and worksheet. I probably spend 5 hours per week. I grade papers. I have a150 students. If the paper is essay or short answer----takes approximately 3 minutes per student to grade. If the assignment is multiple choice/matching, I may spend about 30 seconds per student grading. (I don't have time to grade during class since I am teaching and talking one on one with the students. On weekends, I grade. I probably spend approximately 5 hours on grading. OH and I put grades in the computer. I probably spend about 30 minutes per class. In one week I estimated that I put in 82 hours all together.
Teachers are not paid by the hour. They sign a yearly contract and get a yearly salary which is paid monthly. A teacher's pay rate is determined by the number of college units, degrees, and years of experience. Each district is different in what they pay teachers and it varies from state to state as well.
depends how many hours they work and use a calculator to do how many hours they work a day and times it by how many days in a month.
your mummy i like her
About 56 hours. Unless you get to work early or late. and if you leave late.
Teachers usually work 9-10 hours a day.
i really wish i knew but it is probably the hours that regular teachers work
probably from one to 9 highest is 18
Most teachers work from 6-7 hours a day
teachers are expected to be at school for 30 minutes each side of the school bell so officially 7 hours per day + attend any meetings outside of school hours + programing, marking and reports outside of these times.
By law teachers are only supposed to work up to 47 hours per week. PE teachers work about 34 to 45 hours a week.
drama teachers get paid the same as any other teacher, as they are just normaal teachers. however it does depend on the hours you work.
in the uk aorund 195 days or 1'265 hours a year
Teachers typically work about 40-50 hours per week, which includes time spent teaching, planning lessons, grading assignments, and participating in professional development. However, this can vary depending on the school, grade level, and subject area. It's important to note that teachers often spend additional time outside of regular hours attending school events, responding to emails, and communicating with parents.