9:Alaska,Connecticut,Florida,Idaho,Maryland,Nebraska,Oklahoma,Texas and West Virginia.
How many hours will it take me to fly from Connecticut to Amsterdam nonstop ? Thank-you
The distance between Nebraska, USA and Afghanistan is an approximate 7138 miles or 11,487 kilometers. The flight time is approximately 15 hours.
713 mi - about 11 hours 36 mins
A flight from Nebraska to South Korea would take about 13 hours to complete. There is approximately 6,327 miles between the two locations.
6 and 1/2 hours
Drive time from Omaha, Nebraska to Salt Lake City, Utah is approximately 30 hours
To Philadelphia? About 4 hours driving.
8 hours
how many hours does it take to drive to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania from Bridgeport, Conneticut
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 5 hours
2 words "Google Maps"
hey it takes 34 hours 15 minutes (2178.33)miles
It depends on where you're departing from in Nebraska and where your destination is in California. From Kearney, Nebraska to San Francisco, California, this would be about a 23 hour drive.
About 2 1/2 to 3 hours
It is about 930 miles and will require 13.5 hours of driving time.
It is 1,235 miles and an estimated 20 hours and 54 minutes according to Google Maps.