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Q: How many homes in the United States have a fireplace?
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As illegal immigrants in the United States of America.

How many new homes are purchased in the United States each year?

In the United States approximately 6 to 10 million homes are bought each year. An estimated 367,000 homes were purchased in the year 2012 according to the US census bureau news. This number reflects new homes only that were sold.

How many houses are sold in the United States everyday?

There are about 1000 to 2000 houses are sold in the United States everyday. You can read more at or

Which stores sell fireplace surrounds?

There are several local stores that sell gas fireplace accessories. They are available at Lowe's, Home Depot, Menards, and HQ. There are also "mom and pop" stores such as Majestic Products that are located in many places throughout the United States.

How many mobile homes were there in the U.S. in 2000?

The number of mobile homes in the United States grew 16 percent from 1990 to 2000, reaching some 9 million--double the amount of mobile homes in existence in 1980.

What is a good sentence with fireplace in it?

"I sat by the fire, blankly staring into it while reflecting back on my life."We included a fireplace when we built our home, not because it gets really cold in winter here but because in cool weather an open fire is so comforting.In many homes the shelf above the fireplace, the mantlepiece, is used to display prized ornaments and photographs.A century ago in Europe many homes used the fireplace as the sole cooking area. Today the fireplace is still the main cooking area in developing countries.

In what states are Ryland Homes available?

Ryland Homes are available in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia.

What is a storage space for cars?

The storage space used for cars is usually a garage. Many homes in the United States of America have car garages.

How many homes in US worth 1 million?

There is approximately 243,942 house worth 1 million dollars registered in the United States.

How many people in the United States bought elliptical trainers for their homes in 2012?

The number of people that purchased elliptical trainers for their homes in 2012 would be a difficult to find. Suggestions are that one in 25 homes purchased these machines last year.