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"Fruit Loops" is 2 years old (he is my pet toucan).

Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal has been around since the early 1960's, and the frosted oat circles are sold under many different brand names. The mascot since 1963 has been Toucan Sam.

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14y ago
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14y ago

A one cup serving (30.0 grams) has 118 calories (only 5 from fat).

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14y ago

it depends on the snack. usually ten calories

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12y ago

Sugar* If you really wanted to know you would go to the store and look at the nutrition facts.

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13y ago

About 12.5 grams, or 2%

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Q: How much sugar does the froot loops ceral has?
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Related questions

How much sugar in foot loops?

There are 12 grams of sugar in one serving of froot loops.

How much does a fruit loops ceral cost in Publix?


Can you feed hamsters froot loops?

Yes they can but it has way to much sugar and no nutrition do there for it can be harmful but they can have hot Cheetos that what I feed my hamster all the time with soap in it and sugar and flour and they love it so much it help gets out stuffed diarrhea hat can't come out.

How much loops are there at the montu ride?

7 inversions (loops).

How much does a box of cereal cost 2009?

a most standard box of ceral cost about 1.99 or 2.00

Will teady bear hamsters eat humans food like fruit loops?

They probably WILL, but they SHOULDN'T. Things like Froot Loops, chips, and jellybeans are too sugary for hamsters and can/probably will make them sick. Things you can give as treats are carrots, strawberries, apples, bananas, but never iceburg lettuce, lemons, limes, oranges, watermelon, almonds. My hamster had a soft spot for cheese and rice (cooked, never give a hamster uncooked rice), but never too much of either one.

Where can you get magic loops at?

if you mean the loops that allow you to move stuff then your can get them at pretty much any magic store. if your looking online, then is the BEST website for magic, they have everything, loops is a great trick by the way.

How do you unlock Froot Loops on Poptropica?

The advertised mini-games for Froot Loops included a Frootoctopus game and a pirate game in 2008 and 2009. Another mini-game was introduced in late September 2009, called "Black Beak's Cave". In March, 2010, Froot Loops sponsored the "Egyptian Ruins" ad-game. The games were available to most users, and all with a Poptropica age of 6 to 8. (see related question)

How much fiber does fruit loops have?

.24 grams

What is on Josie Duggar's cheeks?

Josie is often shown with tape loops on her cheeks. The loops are there to hold her oxygen tubes in place easily; I'm not sure if she is on the oxygen much now, so I don't think they'll be there much longer.

How much sugar is in sugar?


How much does a sugar weigh?

" a sugar" - really -where have you seen "a sugar"