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Feet* and three feet in a yard

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Q: How many foots is in one yard?
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How many foots are in 3 yards?

1 yard = 3 foots 2 yards = 6 foots 3 yards = 9 foots . . etc.

How many foots make a yard?

3 feet makes a yard

How many 3 yards equal how many foots?

1 yard = 3 feet 2 yards = 6 feet 3 yards = 9 feet

1 square yard how many sq foots?

3 ft/yd x 3 ft/yd = 9 sq ft/ sq yd.

How many foots is in 0.1 miles?

1 mile = 5,280 foots 0.1 mile = 528 of them

One meter is how many foots?

1 foot = 0.3048 meters

How many foots are in 10 miles?

52,800 are.

How many foots are in 21 yards?


How many foots 150inch?

12.5 feet

How many yard does one square yard equal?

One square yard is just that. One yard wide by one yard long. It is one square yard.

How many foots make a mile?

5,280 feet.

How many foots is there in a meter?

There are 3.28 ft in 1 m