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A pair of gouramis, 7-10 cardinal tetras, a dwarf puffer, and a bristlenose pleco or two. For tank cleanup (and to be eaten by the puffer), I would also throw in a handful of ghost shrimp, a few blue mystery snails, and a few freshwater clams. And, if you need a centerpiece for the tank, a cobalt blue crayfish. I know it will work and that the inhabitants will live in general peace (except for the "snack" species) because it is sitting right behind me as I write this and has for more than three years.

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16y ago
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14y ago

You can count on there being around 20 to 22 gallons of water in the tank (Tanks are never filled to the brim) and they usually have water displaced by gravel substrate, so the answer would be about 20 inches of fish. The basic rule is "1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. It's up to you how the inches are made up, 1 large (20inch) fish or 20 small (1 inch) or a combination.

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12y ago

I deleted the "1 inch of fish per gallon" advice because it is wrong. Many times you'll find you can add more or less fish. This is all dependent on having adequate filtration which I define as, "a filtration system that cycles all of the water in the tank through it at least 5-6 times and hour" and example would be my tank. I have 2 filters 1 that is a 300 gallon per hour and another that is 150 gallons per hour. Since my tank is 55 gallons, all of the water in my tank is filter 8.18 times every hour.

Stocking rates or "how many fish" are determined more by the surface area of the aquarium, not the number of gallons. The reason for this is that in order for oxygen to enter the water and Carbon Dioxide to be released from the water, the surface of the water has to be disturbed, this is usually caused by a filter returning water to the tank. So on a tank that is taller, there is less area for the oxygen to enter the water, and you cannot keep as many fish in a taller tank, for this very reason.

So while 1 inch of fish per gallon is a good "rule" it's not at all accurate in most cases. Start off with no more than 29 inches of fish in your 29. See how everyone is doing, and see about adding a few more, but be ready to move the new inhabitants over if you see anyone gasping at the surface of the water for air.

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11y ago

A one gallon tank can have 1 betta fish as it is not enough water for any other type of fish.

Although fish like neon tetras are small, they are a schooling fish and need to be kept with at least 5 to 6, which would require at least a 10 gallon tank.

You can buy betta fish setups that come with everything you would need for the one fish at a reasonable price.

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10y ago

Usually it goes by 1 inch of fish per gallon so if you plan to keep like Oscars or goldfish like only three or four because they produce so much waste, but if you want little tetras then go right on up to 36 and maybe put some bottom cleaners in ;)

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12y ago

The dimensions are : 30 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 18 3/4

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14y ago

i would say 10-15 depending on size.

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11y ago

It depends on how big the fish is.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

I would suggest glow fish, you will want 6 to 10 of them for they do like to go in schools.bettas are most the time not housed together for they show aggression towards each other, and will in most cases lead to death, and bettas are good with a 5 gallon tank, but can be happier and nicer fish with more space. with goldfish cause they like company 29 gallons is a good starter, though if wanted to live up to their life expectancy of 5 to 10 years and grow to their adult size you would have to get a bigger aquarium.[p.s I hoped this helped tell if I gave false information]

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