As of 2013 Robert De Niro has completed 92 movies.
All movies with Robert De Niro -
Brooke Shields has starred in many other films besides Blue Lagoon. In 1978, she starred in Pretty Baby. The next year, she starred in Wanda Nevada. She has also starred in Endless Love.
Zoe Taylor has starred in movies like The Truth, Curio Shop, The Waiters, Bachelor Party Massacre, The Visitors from Planet Omicron, and Eva Adams. She has also starred in many TV shows.
Lucy Zara is famous for being a very exotic adult films star. In many places these models are also called pornstars. Lucy has starred in many pornography related films. One of the most beautifull stars in her field.
Catherine O'Hara is a Canadian Actress, writer, and comedienne. She is most famous for her roles in the TV show "SCTV" and the films "After Hours," "Beetlejuice," "Home Alone," and more.
No one has any information on what may have happened to actress Victoria Morsell. She still has many fans who wonder what happened to her but no one seems to know. She starred in many films and was very attractive.
He has starred in 98 films with more currently in production.
Doris Day is a talented American actress and singer who starred in films from 1948 to 1968. Ms. Day starred in a total of 39 films. She was nominated for an Academy Award in the film "Pillow Talk".
Robert Di Nira is famous for being an American actor, director and producer. He starred in many films such as "Taxi Driver", "The Godfather part 2" and "Raging Bull"
Rodrigo Santoro has starred in many films. His first major movie was "Brainstorm" in 2001. Other films he has starred in include "300," "Che," "Rio," and "There Be Dragons."
Kishore Kumar is a famous actor and musician from India that starred in many films from that country. Some his more famous starring roles are in the films Aasha, Half Ticket, and Padosan.
Yes, she has starred in many films.
I think one film.
Nathan Lane is an American actor. He starred in many films. His recent works include The Nutcracker, Mirror Mirror, The English Teacher, and Astro Boy.
Colin Farrel has starred in many different films. He starred in the remake of Total Recall, Horrible Bosses, Daredevil, Minority Report, and In Bruges. He also guest starred in an episode of Scrubs.
No, he also directed many of the films he starred in.
Rue Mcclanahan is a talented actress who has starred in many films. Films such as The golden girls and Maude. The film many would argue she is most famous for is Starship Troopers released in 1997.
Ronit Roy has starred in the films Ugly, Udaan, Student of the Year and That Girl in Yellow Boots. Roy is a prolific Bollywood actor and has won many awards.