The human nose can recognize 10,000 scents
A sympathetic character is one that we, as readers, sympathize with or relate to... usually one that we recognize as being human and having many of the strengths and weaknesses that we do, even if the character also has many traits that are extra-normal.
I think there are at least that many coming from the cat box behind me.
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None as a face is defined by it being flat.
The human nose can recognize thousands of different scents. Our sense of smell is extremely sensitive and can detect a wide range of odors.
There is no logical answer, no mathematical equation that can answer.In the view of the human eye there is 1.
They didn't. They depicted people with human faces and forms. But many Egyptian gods had the heads of animals. When they were represented in art, they were shown with their god faces, which appeared like the heads of animals.
A rectangle has 4 faces: 2 long faces and 2 short faces.
10 faces 10 faces
There were 13 episodes in the North American TV series of Being Human.