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A lot depends on the type of chicken you have. Most egg or egg/meat types will lay as many as 300-350 eggs the first year. Meat-type birds are more in the 200-250 range. After the first moult, the hens will resume laying, but they are not as prolific. The older the hen, the fewer the number of eggs per year. Many home producers will change out their entire flock each year to get the maximum number of eggs. In my flock, the older birds are usually the best brooders, so I keep my old ones around -- personal preference.

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12y ago

in a year it can lay about 200-240 eggs in it lifetime about 900-1000

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Q: How many eggs does a chicken produce in a year?
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How many eggs does a female chicken lay in a year?

your average chicken/hen lays about 260 eggs a year.

How many eggs does a chicken lay per month?

o ton they lay about 260 eggs a day. Most chickens lay about one egg per day. After the chicken gets around one year old they start to produce less eggs. Chickens do not produce eggs every day. A good hen will produce 320 to 340 per yesr.

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The average chicken lays 300 eggs per year

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that would be zero they lay eggs

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there is no real answer there could be one to a million.

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when they are 5-6 months old

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How many egg does a chicken lay's for a year?

It depends on what breed of chicken it is - normal laying hens lay about 150-200 eggs a year, but chickens like bantams and ornamental breeds lay about 80-120 eggs a year. Hybrid hens lay about 300 eggs a year! The record for most eggs laid in a year is 364. A day off for christmas?

You heard that some roosters lay one egg per year is it true and it is smaller than a chicken's eggs?

No, rooster's don't have the required female body parts that are needed to produce eggs.

How many eggs does a chicken usually lay when fertilized?

half a year about 280 a full year 325