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In purchasing power, 5 do.

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Q: How many dimes equal 2 quarters?
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How many quarters and dimes in 1.95?

7 quarters equal $1.75 2 dimes equal $.20 You can also get it with 5 quarters and 7 dimes. 3 quarters and 12 dimes and one other way.

What does 2 quarters 3 dimes 8 nickels and 7 pennies equal?

2 quarters 3 dimes 8 nickels and 7 pennies equal $1.27

Which is equal to 2 quarters and 9 dimes?


What change would a restaurant cashier give someone for 1?

4 quarters or 3 quarters 2 dimes and 1 nickel or 2 quarters and 5 dimes or 2 quarters 4 dimes and 2 nickels or 3 quarters and 25 pennies or 3 quarters 2 dimes and 10 pennies or 100 pennies or The list can do on and on. Any combination of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters that equal to a dollar. If you are speaking of the dollar.

What is equal to 2 quarters and 9 dimes?


How many ways can you make ten dollars with quarters and dimes?

I believe there are 19 ways to make ten dollars with only quarters and dimes. Quarters have to be in increments of 2 so there would be 2 quarters and 95 dimes, 4 quarters and 90 dimes and so on til there are 38 quarters and 5 dimes.

Chen has 2.10 in nickels dimes and quarters he has three times as many quarters as dimes and four times as many nickels as dimes how many of each coin does chen have?

Chen has 8 nickels, 2 dimes, and 6 quarters.

Royce has 1.30 in dimes and quarters He has one-fourth as many quarters as dimes How many of each does he have?

He would have 2 quarters and 8 dimes. (2 x 0.25) + (8 x 0.10) = 0.50 + 0.80 = 1.30

What 6 coins equal a dollar?

3 quarters, 2 dimes and a nickel

How many ways can you make 5 dollars with dimes nickels and quarters?

hundreds of ways... 50 dimes 100 nickels 20 quarters 40 dimes and 2 nickels 90 nickels and 5 dimes 16 quarters and 10 dimes 30 dimes 2 nickels 4 quarters etc figure it out ;)

8 coins that equal one dollar?

2 quarters, 4 dimes, and 2 nickels.

What nine coins can you use to make 93 cents and there are 2 more dimes than qaurters?

2 quarters, 4 dimes and 3 pennies.2 quarters, 4 dimes and 3 pennies.2 quarters, 4 dimes and 3 pennies.2 quarters, 4 dimes and 3 pennies.