The number of israelites killed in the wilderness were many. as the bible says the entire generation of people who made the golden calf walked and died in the wilderness.
2,246 Union soldiers died in that battle. The Confederates lost 1,495 soldiers.
Bob Marshall - wilderness activist - died in 1939.
Kit's Wilderness has 229 pages.
The Wilderness - novel - has 229 pages.
Wilderness Boy has 218 pages.
Wilderness Survival Guide has 128 pages.
he explored Kentucky and the wilderness. he found many routs.
Runescape! The old wilderness is back now. Players do drop their items when dead.
There are many reason one might undergo wilderness therapy. The use of 'wilderness therapy' is a growing practice used to treat many different issues one might have.
In the King James version the word - wilderness - appears 304 times