The number 23.124 has three decimal places. The decimal place is the position of a digit to the right of the decimal point, which represents a value less than one. In this case, there are three digits to the right of the decimal point, indicating three decimal places.
* One decimal place. * To the tenth place.
there is 2. Every diget after the point is a decimal place
hundredths place in a decimal is at the second place at the right of the decimal point.
Two of them.
* One decimal place. * To the tenth place.
there is 2. Every diget after the point is a decimal place
1.2 is one decimal place
The correct answer is one decimal place.
0.05 equivalent to 3-place decimal = 0.050
There is always one decimal point but decimal places can be more than one. 927.1 has one decimal place which is the tenths place.
There can only be one digit in each place value - before or after the decimal place.
decimal place
The decimal point. However, in many European countries, a "decimal comma" is used instead.
Two places.
hundredths place in a decimal is at the second place at the right of the decimal point.