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Q: How many colleges in trichy Anna university?
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Which is the best Anna university or nit trichy for research?

Obviously NIT Trichy. Professors at NIT Trichy have publications in reputed international journals. Many students go for MS/PhD from NITT compared to Anna univ. NITT has bright students from all over india.

How many colleges under Anna university offers be mechatronics course?

20 colleges

How many Anna university colleges are there in Tamil Nadu?

Anna University has once again become a single affiliating university for engineering colleges all over Tamil Nadu from August 1, 2012. All the Regional Anna universities ( Anna University, Chennai, Anna University of Technology, Chennai, Anna University of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore, Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli and Anna University of Technology, Madurai.) are converted into Regional centres for Anna university, chennai.

How many engineering colleges in tamilnadu under Anna university control?

cbm collage of bussnes manegement afroud

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each department have 25 seats in Anna university..

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How many colleges are in south Africa?

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