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Q: How many children in the world are not educated?
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How many children in the united kingdom are being educated?

all children in the UK are educated

Where were Victorian children educated in the society?

In schools of course. Although many children were educated at home.

How many street children aren't educated in India?


How can educated parents affect their children's future?

Educated parents can affect children a future because the future of children's depend upon parents life so if parents are educated ,socialized and civilized than they will also make these children educated ,socialized and civilized so educated parents affect children's future

How many people in the world are not educated?

A lot! Too many, if you ask me!

How were children educated in Victorian times?

They were educated very well.

How are the children educated in the Ottoman Empire?

they were educated by there parents and there preiests

What adjectives describe Charlemagne?

he was very successful, educated, cared about his children and many more!!!!!

How did children get educated in mesopotamia?


What are the negatives of India?

india is very weak and has lost many wars against pakistan. Almost 40% or its children are not educated. It is very corrupt and has the smallest exporting system of any world power

What is an Educable Child?

An educable child is one that could be educated. Ineducable children cannot be educated.

How are the children of educated parents different from uneducated parents?

The only difference is that the children of educated parents who are also conscious of hygiene bring up their children in the same advantaged manner . But those parents who are themselves not educated and do not know anything about right hygiene bring up their children in the same disadvantaged manner.