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Xerxes was king of Persia 486-465 BCE. He and his wife, Amestris, are known to have had two sons, Darius and Artaxerxes, but a third son is also mentioned by Diodorus - Hystaspes. There is no reliable record of any daughters.

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13y ago

The Book of Esther says that Vashti was the wife of King Xerxes when he first became king of Persia, followed three years later by Queen Esther. There is no historical record of this, and Queen Amestris is accepted by historians as his only wife for the first several years of his reign.

King Xerxes had the following children by Queen Amestris: Amytis, Artaxerxes I, Darius, Hystaspes, Achaemenes and Rhodogune.

His other children, Artarius, Tithraustes, Arsames (Arsamenes, Arxanes or Sarsamas), Parysatis and Ratashah were by unknown wives, but it seems that none of them could have been from Queen Esther.

Contrary to the expectations of the Book of Esther, Xerxes was succeeded by Artaxerxes, a son of Amestris, not a son of either Vashti or Esther.

So from a historical perspective, Esther never had children as a queen of Persia. Since the Book of Esther does not appear to be closely based on history, it is appropriate to read what children the book says she had, even if they were not really born. However, the story does not mention any children of Esther.

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8y ago

Little is known of Xerxes II, an obscure Persian king who reigned for forty five days in 424 BCE. The book of Esther tells of King Xerxes having a feast that lasted for 180 days in the third year of his reign, so that king was not intended to be Xerxes II. In any case, we know there never was a Jewish queen of Persia.

The story obviously is intended to represent Esther as the wife of Xerxes I. The wife of Xerxes I was Amestris, daughter of Otanes and first cousin to Cambyses II of Persia and Smerdis of Persia. There is no record of either Vashti or Esther outside the Book of Esther, and it can be assumed that they were characters created purely for the story.

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Brigette Beauchamp

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7mo ago

The Midrash11 states that King Darius was the son of Esther. According to the Talmud, Darius is the same as Cyrus, the king who allowed the Second Holy Temple to be built in Jerusalem.12

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12y ago

22 She was a playa.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

According to Jewish traditions Darius was born to Xerxes and Esther

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Glenda Barber

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2y ago
I think esther was darius stepmother
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Katrina O.

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1y ago
But Darius was the son of Artaxerxes and a Babylonian concubine.

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4y ago

According to Jewish tradings Darius was born to Xerxes and Esther

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Q: How many children did Queen Esther and King Xerxes have?
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No such event is recorded in the Scroll of Esther. It was Queen Vashti, not the king, who was killed by royal decree.

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Queen Esther was married to King Xerxes for several years, as she became queen after winning his favor in a beauty pageant. Their marriage was an important part of the story of Esther in the Bible, where she plays a crucial role in saving the Jewish people from destruction.

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There is NO reference in the book of Esther that Esther loved the King of Persia - Xerxes, but because of her beauty Esther had a strong influence on King Xerxes that is why her story is in the Bible.

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Not sure. Did Esther love Xerxes? There is NO reference in the book of Esther that Esther loved the King of Persia - Xerxes.

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There are no verses that begin with X to my knowledge, although depending on the translation these verses come close:King Xerxes (or Xerxes, or Xerxes the King) asked Queen Esther, "Who is he? Where is he-the man who has dared to do such a thing?" [Esther 7:5]King Xerxes (or Xerxes, or Xerxes the King) replied to Queen Esther and to Mordecai the Jew, "Because Haman attacked the Jews, I have given his estate to Esther, and they have impaled him on the pole he set up [Esther 8:7]King Xerxes (or Xerxes, or Xerxes the King) imposed tribute throughout the empire, to its distant shores. [Esther 10:1]

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