Originally from the time even before Bhudda the priests are Brahmins, the warriors are Kshatriya, the merchants are Vaishya, and the artisans are Shudras. Four was the start but now with Harijan there are many more.
Yes, Because It is played in india. so, Nimbus sport production have to broad cast the match telecast on doordarshan.
There are about 638,000 villages in India...
There are fifty ministries in India.
There are 250+ McDonald's in India.
There are about 65000 deer in india!
There are over 56 million cast cats living in India! :o
For many years there was a cast system which was a very strict social hierarchy.
How to findout the indian's cast these are in which category.
it is cast of people and they are hindu
the cast system is a way to categorize the Hindus in india.
So many like Poverty Cast systems Economic growth Corruption Etc etc...
Mani comes under 'General' since it is a sub-cast of many communities in India. Mani means gem and it was usually awarded to the courtiers of different Kings.
Yes! India still uses a cast system
How many IT companies in India
They are catholics and protestants.
what their ancesters did for a living
I dont know how many provinces are in India, but the population of India is 1,166,079,217 people. There are no states and there are many cities. The capital of India is New Dheli.