One Canadian gallon equates to 4.54609 liters.
There are 7.57 half liters in a gallon.
One gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.785 liters.
There are approximately 3.78541 liters in 1 US gallon.
No, a Canadian gallon is not the same as an imperial gallon. A Canadian gallon is equivalent to 4.54609 liters, while an imperial gallon is slightly larger, equal to 4.54609 liters. The difference in size is due to the historical use of different measurement standards in Canada compared to the UK.
One Canadian gallon equates to 4.54609 liters.
A litre is an International standard measure: it is the same in Canada as it is anywhere in the world. That is unlike a gallon where some countries use an Imperial gallon and then there is the US gallon.10 US gallon = 44.09 litres.
U.S. gallons are different from imperial gallons. 1 Imperial gallon is equal to 4.54609188 litres and 1 US gallon is equal to 3.78541178 litres. Liters on the other hand are the same everywhere. One liter equals 0.26 U.S. gallon or 0.219 Imperial gallon.
1 US gallon = 3.8 liters.
There are 7.57 half liters in a gallon.
1 US gallon is 3.785 liters.
1 US gallon is 3.7854 liters.
In the UK, about 4.55 liters per gallon and in the US, about 3.79 liters per gallon.
There are 3.78541178 liters in a US gallon
There are approximately 3.785 liters in 1 US gallon.
About 3.785 liters per US gallon.
One gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.785 liters.