if i not mistaken, i think you have to win 21 battles to battle palmer
In the battle tower win twenty battlees straight. you can only do seven battles per challenge though, so he will be the final battle of your third challenge (the 21st battle) if you have won all of your matches. if you lose one, yo u have to start your streak over.
Win 42 battles at the battle tower, then every seven battles you win after that you will receive an item at random from a pool of items, Choice band being one of them.
Canada's hundred days of WW I included the Battle of Aniens, Battle of the Canal du Nord, Battle of Cambrai, and battles at Denain and Valencviennes and finally Mons.
if you win streak at 21 and you need a leendary because he only use some legendary pokemons (sometimes)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!remember!only just 50 percent from frontier brain nolland because nolland is strong so good luck.....it helps just do that instruction so you can win like in easy ways
Queen Elizabeth fought the Spanish Armada in 1588.
In Generation IV, you battle Palmer the first time on your 21rst win streak (which means you win twenty one battles in a row without losing. Battles occur in seven battle segments.) If you continue your streak all the way to 49, you'll get challenged by Palmer again. You get 20 BP for beating a Brain. This goes for all the other places- Battle Castle, Battle Hall, Battle Factory, Battle Arcade. As for Gen III, I've no idea, you're on your own, buddy.
you have to do 21 battles. by Matthew long
Not enough information: Which game and which facility?
he won alot of battle about 5
If in Platinum, the win streak needs to be twenty one. One the 21st battle, Palmer challenges you.
To battle Argenta, win 50 consecutive battles at the Battle Hall. To battle her again, win LESS THAN 9000 consecutive battles.
well, you have to beat pk. legue (sorry if spellled wrong) then beat your rival at battle tower and the rest is up to you battle battle tower a lot and eventually u will see PALMER. In the battle tower win twenty battles straight. you can only do seven battles per challenge though, so he will be the final battle of your third challenge (the 21st battle) if you have won all of your matches. if you lose one, yo u have to start your streak over.
The battle of londinium, The battle of camulodunum, The battle of verulamium.
you have to win battles
because the tetris battle
You have to win 100 battles in the battle tower