Somewhere around 1500 steps - but it can really vary quite a bit, depending on the person, and on how that person walks.
The average size step is approximately one meter, so 1000 big steps.
The meter is the standard unit of distance in the metric system. One kilometer is 1000 meters, or 103 meters. A micrometers, is one-thousandth of a meter, or 10-3 meters If there are three steps up from a meter to a kilometer, and three steps down from a meter to a micrometer, then there are six steps up from micro to kilo meter, or six steps down from kilo to micro meter. One km is 106 micrometers.
Using an average human step, there are about 422 steps in one tenth of a mile.
1 kilometer=1,000,000 millimeters
1 kilometer=100,000 centimeters
There are approximately 1320 steps in a kilometer.
The average size step is approximately one meter, so 1000 big steps.
"K" is not a unit of length. If you mean "km", that means kilometer. One kilometer = 1000 meters.
The answer depends on the length of your stride. In my case, approx 625 steps.
There are 3208.8399 feet in a kilometer (or 39 370.07874 inches). We will say the average person takes a step of about 12 inches (or one foot) and this could be the aprox. number of steps in a kilometer (3208.8399)... Of course this depends on your step length so it can vary. The faster you are walking the larger steps you will most likely take, but you can easly figure it out by measuring your step length in inches and dividing the above number of inches in a kilometer by that.
There are 100,000 centimeters in one kilometer.
The meter is the standard unit of distance in the metric system. One kilometer is 1000 meters, or 103 meters. A micrometers, is one-thousandth of a meter, or 10-3 meters If there are three steps up from a meter to a kilometer, and three steps down from a meter to a micrometer, then there are six steps up from micro to kilo meter, or six steps down from kilo to micro meter. One km is 106 micrometers.
10,000 millimeters are in one kilometer.
Three meters is 3/1000 of a kilometer - just the first couple of steps. A kilometer is one thousand times longer than a meter.
There are 100,000 centimeters in one kilometer.
Using an average human step, there are about 422 steps in one tenth of a mile.
There are 100,000 centimeters in 1 kilometer.